The days are history when game was just a word for kid’s dictionary. Nowadays, the word ‘GAME’ also excites other generations also. When we are talking about mobile phones, games have always been the centre of attraction for the users. Phones in twenty first century have become smart and so do the people. Categories of game for which the users fall for depends on their perspective and the devices they are using. So the developers also take the user’s choice into account and set their goal into its creation. That’s why the popular genres of game plays a very crucial part for game invention.

Let’s talk about which categories of mobile games are most popular and attracts what kind of people.

Action Games:

It’s the most popular genre of games where a player needs to be involeved for physical challenges. Its most popular among the kids and young generation as they are action freak. Due to technology advancement, animation of such games has been enhanced a lot which is just like ICING ON THE CAKE and this makes the players more attracted to the genre.

Casual games:

Casual games are also one of the most popular game categories enjoyed by every age group of game fans. These are the types of games that you can enjoy when you play it and you can keep it down easily when you wish. Unlike other addictive games, you don’t get addicted to it. Its only purpose is to entertain you for a while and not waste your productive hours. These category games are free and are more likely to have advertisements as the click through rate is more in such type of games. There are in numerous games that fall under this category, you can choose from the list of Candy Crush, Super Mario Run, Angry Birds or many other titles available in the play store/Appstore.

RPG Games:

Role-playing games, or RPGs, have come a long way since their humble tabletop beginnings. After making the leap to the PC and console, they’ve now found a home your phone or tablet. The best of the mobile lot lets players live out fantasy epics, transport them into far future space operas, or tell intimate, character-driven narratives. From old-school dungeon crawling classics to modern action RPGs and quirky little Indies, the list also includes popular titles like Final Fantasy Series, Star Wars, Taichi Panda and many more.

Running and Racing games:

These kind of games have one lead hero whose task is to reach the destination through the path. The path becomes complex with increased number of obstacles level by level that the players has to prevaricate. Temple Run, Subway Surfer etc are the most admired examples for the popularity of this king of games. It also includes game monetisation offered during the play which helps it to unlock levels.

MMO games:

It stands for “Massive Multiplayer Online games”, where huge amount of players across the world are involved on the same platform. It connects everyone and occupies the great amount of plyer’s time. The players are interconnected, competes on a very large scale (up to hundreds and thousands of players), and compete with each other possibly including a meaningful communication within the game. This category falls to the favourite list of players who love the interaction with the world.

Running and Racing games:

These kind of games have one lead hero whose task is to reach the destination through the path. The path becomes complex with increased number of obstacles level by level that the players has to prevaricate. Temple Run, Subway Surfer etc are the most admired examples for the popularity of this king of games. It also includes game monetisation offered during the play which helps it to unlock levels.

MMO games:

It stands for “Massive Multiplayer Online games”, where huge amount of players across the world are involved on the same platform. It connects everyone and occupies the great amount of plyer’s time. The players are interconnected, competes on a very large scale (up to hundreds and thousands of players), and compete with each other possibly including a meaningful communication within the game. This category falls to the favourite list of players who love the interaction with the world.

Puzzle Games:

Puzzle games are still most popular gaming apps across iOS and Android. It takes 50% of all games across the play store and app store, and puzzle games are being developed day by day with great user experiences. Game developers focus on games which user loves to pass time with and puzzles gaming apps are the games which increases brain activity and makes it sharp. Popular games like Candy Crush and Sudoku excessively successful amongst the kids to baby-boomers.

Arcade Games:

When it comes to most popular types of gaming apps we have to talk about Arcade games. Famous arcade games like Teen Patti and Jun glee Rummy are popular among st the youths. It’s not just played for the time pass but there are given rewards and prizes to cheer them up and keep playing. No wonder, people are so involved in these games that in some countries these games are banned due to betting issues. They must not be great in graphics, but still they are among the most popular ones in the gaming categories.

We have mentioned above only the few famous game genres. The queue is literary huge. In today’s era you can choose from the millions of games available for Android and Ios and thousands are uploaded every day. Thus we would like to wrap up saying, “Play till your fingers drop, cheers”!

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