“Gone are the days when a simple image or an infographic would be enough to increase your page traffic, now are the days where the only way to increase your page traffic is through creative videos. As the majority of firms is gearing up for this new medium of communication, no wonder why the demand for video creatives is increasing day by day.”

According to a research, almost 69% of-of your end users prefer creative video communication over a normal picture or an infographic.

If you belong to the category of marketers who are still new to this concept then you definitely need to read this article. Living in an era wherein channels of communication are constantly evolving, creatively using the channel of video to communicate your brand story helps you to reach out to your target audience in an innovative way.

Video creatives! What’s the entire fuss about?

Video creatives are a group of those creative individuals that bring in the quotient of creativity to the way your key message is pitched to your audience. Like other mediums of communications, the basic logic behind using video marketing is simple.

Rather than reading a dull website carrying loads of pages full of your product information, people would certainly prefer a simple image or an infographic and if you want to step up your marketing game, the use of video ensures that your audience is provided with a visual treat. While the chances of your content or infographic getting ignored are high, rarely do people skip an interesting video.

How can my business benefit from it?

If you are still skeptical about the entire idea of hiring video creatives and investing in video marketing, here’s a list of benefits that you can expect for your business.

  • Increased page traffic:
    If you can slip your product information along with an entertaining story, certainly your page traffic is going to increase as people like to be entertained.
  • Message simplification:
    Apart from explaining your product benefits, with the help of the video you can also demonstrate your product usage for your end users.
  • Interactive medium:
    All those queries asked by your end users can actually be addressed through the video making it an interactive medium of communication.
  •  Improved rankings:
    If you manage to put up right videos along with keywords, you can manage to improve your page ranking on search engines without incurring pay-per click costs.
  • Enhancing customer relationships:
    In times of crisis, the videos of company’s founding members personally addressing end users helps nurture customers trust on the company.

What shall I do now?

So now that you are well aware of the significance of the video marketing in the development and sustenance of your brand image, all you need to do is research a bit about video explainers and hire in some quirky video creatives and content developers for your message. In quest of creativity, do not neglect the content of your video. Once you have your team of content and video creatives ready, you are all set for your product success.

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